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Knut Olawsky’s publications


Knut J. Olawsky has published a number of books and articles about the languages Dagbani (Ghana) and Urarina (Peru) as well as on language revitalisation.

Below you find a selected number of references.



Olawsky, Knut J.: A Grammar of Urarina. Mouton Grammar Library 37. Berlin/ New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006. 1-943.

Olawsky, Knut J.: Urarina texts. Languages of the World/Text Collections. Munich 2002: LINCOM. 1-238.

Olawsky, Knut J.: Aspects of Dagbani grammar – with special emphasis on phonology and morphology. LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics. Munich, 1999. 1-293.


Book chapters

Olawsky, Knut J.: Going Public With Language: Involving the Wider Community in Language Revitalisation. In: Hobson, J., K. Lowe, S. Poetsch & M. Walsh (eds.), Re-Awakening Languages. Theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia’s indigenous languages. Sydney University Press, 2010: 75-83.

Olawsky, Knut J.: Revitalisation Strategies for Miriwoong. In: Hobson, J., K. Lowe, S. Poetsch & M. Walsh (eds.), Re-Awakening Languages. Theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia’s indigenous languages. Sydney University Press, 2010: 146-154.

Olawsky, Knut J.: ObViouS OVS in Urarina syntax. In: Simpson, A. & P.
Austin (eds.), Linguistische Berichte Special Volume on Endangered
Languages. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 2007. 45-72.

Olawsky, Knut J.: What is a word in Dagbani? In: Word. A cross-linguistic typology, edited by R. M. W. Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 205-226.


Journal articles

Olawsky, Knut J.: Urarina - Evidence for OVS constituent order. In: Boban Arsenijević, Noureddine Elouazizi, Frank Landsbergen & Martin Salzmann (eds.), Leiden Papers in Linguistics 2.2 (2005), 43-68. http://www.ulcl.leidenuniv.nl (ISSN 1574-4728).

Olawsky, Knut J.: What is a noun? What is an adjective? Problems of classifications in Dagbani. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, Vol. 25 (2). Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. 127-148


Conference papers

Hyman, M.L.. & Olawsky, Knut J.: Dagbani verb tonology. In: Kinyira njira! - Step firmly on the pathway! Selected Papers from the 31st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Boston University, March 2-5, 2000, edited by Chege Githiora, Heather Littlefield & Victor Manfredi. Africa World Press, Trenton New Jersey & Asmara Eritrea, 2004. 97-108

Olawsky, Knut J.: Urarina word classes. In: Proceedings from the fifth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics, vol. 13. Edited by Jeanie Castillo. Santa Barbara, 2003: 38-52.

Olawsky, Knut J.: Tone Patterns and Morphology in Dagbani: The Prosodic Structure of Nouns. In: Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of African Linguistics, Leipzig, 27th July - 3rd August 1997. Edited by Wolff, H. Ekkehard; Gensler, Orin D. 2000. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, (16 pages).

Olawsky, Knut J.: Dagbani as a tonal language. In: Afroasiatica Neapolitana: Studi Africanistici 6, Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1997: 291-304.



Olawsky, Knut J.: An introduction to Dagbani phonology. Arbeiten des SFB 282, Nr. 76. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 1996. 1-39.

Olawsky, Knut J.: Psycholinguistic experiments on Dagbani number classes. Arbeiten des SFB 282, Nr. 108. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 1998: 1-52.